The plugins you need

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“The plugins you need” is the title of my presentation from WordCamp Sofia this year –  the best event in the year. I am writing this post on the Munich airport, on my way back to Oslo after an amazing weekend that I spent in Bulgaria on this year’s WordPress Camp. According to my opinion the progress compared to the previous year is really huge. In 2012 we had two tracks, onе of them related to development and more than 200 visitors! This is a big win for our community and I relly hope that next year it will be even better. 🙂

As I said this year I had the chance to present a talk and here is the link to my presentation uploaded in SlideShare:

The main idea was to show to the people how they can create a standard business website only with plugins and no single line of code. I have selected the plugins that according to my experience are the best solution for a various functional problems about the most projects and tried to present how they could be selected and combined for a simple and fast realization. Also I’ve prepared a demo site, you can check it here:, to show these plugins in action. If you are interested and haven’t chance to come to the conference you can check these two sources and also the video from the Bulgarian camp – it is in Bulgarian  and the one from OsloWordPress meetup – in English.

Also feel free to share your thoughts related to this topic or ask a question if you need some help about that.

Thanks again to you all that spent your Saturday with us and helped to make the world a little bit better 🙂


WordPress is my passion and love! Started as a blog system it turns in a really powerful CMS to allow us create professional, functional and really good looking web sites. WordPress also offers us a great community to help us, to develop amazing plugins and themes and to create a new better versions with more and more features. I have worked with different frameworks based on WordPress, created and customized themes and plugins so if my experience can help - you are welcome!

1 thought on “The plugins you need

  1. Pingback: WordCamp Sofia 2012 @ Blog.Caspie.Net

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